Friday, February 1, 2013

Love Your Body!

If I have seemed a bit quiet lately, it's probably because I have been focusing my energies on two things:  one is my Ladies HEALTHY Happy Hour program.... free fitness and nutrition classes throughout the valley (click Here for more info).... as well as my talk at my old college... AZ Christian University (used to be called Southwestern College which is what i will always call it!). 

This talk is very important to me because I will be sharing with the girls about how I had an eating disorder during college, as well as my victory, and talking about how we see ourselves and how we need to focus on our True Worth. 

The talk is called Love Your Body-- Nourish Your Soul.

Body image issues isn't just a problem for young girls and college students.  In fact, studies show that about 80% of women hate how they look and have been involved in some kind of disordered eating because of it. 

Here is a definition of disordered eating:
"To me, disordered eating means having an unhealthy relationship with food and/or your body, one that diminishes the quality of your life and affects your overall health – physical, mental, and/or emotional."
(quote from here:

So the good news is that you are not alone!  Most women have some kind of negative image about their body.

However, to me, that is not an excuse.  I love my friends and clients enough to not allow them to stay in that rut!  Dare to stand out and be different!  I know we will never 100% fully accept ourselves because we live in a fallen world.  However, there are steps we can take to start loving ourselves, no matter what size or shape. 

1. Post Affirmations around your house.  Get index cards and write things such as "I am beautiful just the way I am."  or " I am confident in my skin and I radiate that to others." 

2.  Practice Gratitude every.  Be grateful for the so-called "little things" (which are really big) such as your toes, legs and hands.  For the ability to think with reason.  For your stomach that tells you when you are hungry or full.  For the capacity to love.

3.  I know I've said this before but I will say it again.  THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE!  Some of us may need a deadline... so how about you do this by Feb. 14th?   Instead of worrying about your weight on Valentines Day.... focus on how you can show love to others. 

I know many, many women want to lose weight, and that is partly why I am a health coach.  Losing weight does have positive health implications..... but losing weight is not the end result.  You are not going to lose weight and all have a sudden have a wonderfully, perfect life.  You may not even feel the confidence that you were longing for.  You may start to hate other things about yourself once you lose weight.

Being healthy and enjoying life is not about your body!  It's about accepting yourself for WHO YOU ARE.  We must be willing to dig deep and do the dirty work before we are ready to lose weight. 

Remember, I am here for you!! 

Who is ready to take on the challenge with me?  I love to help other moms form a new relationship with food and with their bodies. 

Visit my website at for more information. :)

Kellie McGarry

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