Thursday, August 30, 2012

Can Honey Cure Allergies?

Time for the next question!

Mary, from AZ, asks:

"What is the story on honey? Is locally grown best? Does it really help fight allergies or anything else?"


This is a timely question because as I type, I am battling what seems like seasonal allergies.  This is not something I normally struggle with, but when it happens, the constant sneezing and runny nose makes for a not so fun day!

Honey can be very beneficial in it's natural, unprocessed state.  Raw honey contains an array of enzymes, plus B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium and even vitamin C.

So let's talk first about what to look for when buying honey so that you can be sure to find the honey that is the most beneficial to your health.

You want to look for raw honey versus processed honey.  Most commercial honeys have been heated to make for a more clean, smooth looking honey.  Pasteurization also kills any yeast and prevents fermentation.  However, the downside to this is that the heat kills important enzymes, vitamins and minerals in the process.  In fact, some honeys on the shelf isn't even what it claims to be-- manufacturers have added corn syrup and even sometimes artificial coloring which leaves the customer with just a glop of processed sugar.  Not what you want to put in your tea or oatmeal, is it?

It's easy to spot raw honey, as it is clearly states "raw" on the label.

The next best thing is to find honey that is not only raw but also local.  The reason for this has to do with allergies, like you had asked about.

Evidence has been mostly anecdotal, but many people have claimed that raw, local honey has helped diminish or eliminate their allergies.  The reason for this is because as the bees pollinate the flowers, the pollen gets carried with them to the hive.  Now, this may seem odd to be eating something that contains pollen as that is the very thing many of us are allergic to.  However,  think of honey as a type of vaccine.  Your body develops an immune response to it, and if taken on a regular basis, could help prevent allergies.

The reason it is best consumed from a local source is because if it's out of state,  you may not be allergic to that particular flower.

As a side note, I always encourage buying local when possible anyway-- let's support our local farmers!

As far as scientific studies... there is not much out there.  I did find two different small scale studies, both of which used a placebo group. One study found that there was not conclusive evidence that honey helps with allergies and the other study found that it indeed does help.

On a personal note...I just like the taste of  raw honey anyway, so I always take a tablespoon when first coming down with something.  Does it work for me?  Well, it seemed to a few months ago, but this week, so far it hasn't.

I would also encourage buying honey that contains royal jelly and bee pollen as well, as that could make the biggest difference as far as helping with allergies since it contains more of the whole source and not just an extract.

So, I would just encourage you to try raw honey, preferably local and see how it helps you!

I also wanted to give a shout out to my good friend, Mary Metzger.

She is involved with a wonderful company that sells natural products.  One product is called:

"Bee Natural Tablets" which is a great way to get all the nutrients from the hive, as the product contains royal jelly, propolis and honey.

Right now, she has a GREAT offer that expires on Sept. 17th!
Check it out here:

Online Promo Code: FREE WEBSITE 091712 (that's the expiration date)
Offer Expires September 17, 2012

Please contact Mary with any questions about the product! 

What do you all think of honey? Has it helped your allergies? Please comment below!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Healthy Alternatives To Coffee Creamer

Next question!  

Christina from CA asks:                              

"I really enjoy a cup of coffee every morning, sweetened and with creamer. What is the healthiest way to make my coffee yummy as I know what I'm doing now isn't (store bought sweetened liquid creamer) I cannot stand black coffee! "

Kellie's Answer:

Thanks for the question, Christina!  I, too, used to not be able to drink black coffee! I was hooked on the creamers, but then I realized they contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweetener, which is probably what you have noticed as well.  (not to mention the empty calories)

Here are my ideas for a healthy alternative:

1. half and half -- if you are able to tolerate dairy, you could try this, as it does not contain anything artificial.  however, many people are sensitive to dairy, so this is not something I recommend to everyone

2. coconut milk - or coconut creamer- So Delicious brand carries a really great coconut milk,  as well as coconut creamer. If you don't mind the taste of coconut, this would be a good alternative, as coconuts are so good for our health!

3. liquid stevia-- though you only need about 1 drop, as it is super sweet. some people don't care for the taste; however this is an option if you don't so much need the liquid, but really just need something to sweeten the coffee. Stevia is all natural and made from a plant (with a really long name that contains the word stevia!) other good sweeteners would be honey or coconut sugar (which is low glycemic)

For myself, I started off with half and half. I then switched to almond milk in my coffee, but didn't really like how it tasted.  After awhile, I began to appreciate the taste of the black coffee.  So your palate can be trained, but for now, I hope you enjoy trying out some of these ideas!  


"Schedule a FREE "Fit and Fabulous Breakthrough Session today!"  I would be happy to talk with you about your goals and how I can support you!  Check out

Friday, August 24, 2012

Check out this picture of a Dragon Fruit! I never bought one before until today.  So pretty! I"ll be anxious to cut it open and try it.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Is Craving Carbs A Good Thing?

Today is a nice, cloudy day in Phoenix- I'm lovin' it!!

Okay- it is time for the NEXT  question!!

Gail, from Phoenix asks:

 "When I am extra tired during the day, I want to eat carbs like pasta and sometimes I feel better. Am I confusing being tired with being hungry or listening to my body that I may need carbs?"


That is an excellent question! 

Most people crave carbs for one of two reasons: 1. They are tired or 2. They are depressed. 
First let me explain why it is normal to crave carbs when we are tired.  All carbs turn into glucose in the body, just like a candy bar.  Carbs can be considered low-glycemic or high glycemic. Any carbohydrate that is made from white, refined flour is considered high glycemic. That means that the glucose (sugar) from the carb is processed very quickly in the body. So one reason people may get into the habit of craving carbs is because they are tired and in need of that "sugar rush". However, what happens after that?  Normally the blood sugar drops and the person is tired again.  
If the carb makes you feel better, then i would guess that either it is because you were temporarily in need of glucose, or because your body is needing serotonin. 
Serotonin is considered the "feel-good" hormone and is produced when one eats carbs.  Many people who are depressed are naturally low in serotonin.  A person does not have to labeled as "depressed" to be considered low in this hormone. However, it is normally the go-to food of choice when a person is in need of comfort food.
It sounds like you are mainly craving it because you really are  tired and in need of some extra energy.  Craving pasta is totally normal.  However, I would encourage you to replace  your pasta with either some kind of whole grain such as quinoa (which is low glycemic meaning there is no sugar rush and crash) or a natural pick me up such as a banana or raw almonds.  
If you do find you are eating when you aren't hungry, try a different kind of pick me up, such as putting on some upbeat music, or calling a friend.

Take care!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In Need Of A Massage?

I am going to make this short and sweet!

Who else enjoys getting a massage?  If you live in Phoenix and are looking for a massage experience like no other, check out the Hawaiian Experience Spa!  It is a very relaxing atmosphere and the massage was really wonderful.

Check out this contest!!

Hawaiian Experience Spa is giving away $500 in spa gift certificates. You can enter here:  or by clicking HERE


Monday, August 20, 2012

3 Tips on Getting In Shape

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you are making it a great day.

So, for those of you following my little question and answer Giveaway..... we had 11 people ask a question to be posted on my blog.  Those people were entered into a random drawing to win a $10 Gift Card to Whole Foods.

And the winner is..... Sue Kuwitzky from Phoenix, AZ!

Thank you to EVERYONE who asked a question..... and don't hesitate to ask a question anytime.... I am here to support you!

Okay, so I will be posting the remainder of the questions... I am aiming for two questions a week.

Here is the next one!

Connie asks:

 I am 62 yrs old, I have done two 1/2 marathons and I am training for my next one in December. I do these to bring awareness to children who have cancer and do fund raisers for specific children I meet. What would you suggest for me to do so I am in better shape for my next race?


First of all, Connie... wow!  That is amazing that you are 62 years old and training for a half marathon!! I must admit that running was never really my forte.  I commend you for helping to bring awareness to children who have cancer.  

First, a disclaimer:  I am not a personal trainer so I am not an expert in exercise.  However, I am happy to offer my health tips on how you can improve on the You inside! 

Now Connie, without talking with you personally, it is hard to answer this question really specifically, so if you dont mind, I will need to be a bit vague here.  My answer will probably work for anyone in my community who needs to get back in shape. 

Here are the 3 things I would recommend to anyone RIGHT NOW to get in better shape:

1.  Replace caloric drinks with water (even diet soda). 
 Many people are drinking their calories and they do not realize how quickly it adds up. I have known people who drop 10 pounds just by eliminating soda.  I also would like to add that even though diet soda contains no calories, it can still contribute to over eating because of the way the artificial sweeteners affects the brain.  That being said, a little bit of caffeine has been shown to enhance a race or speed up your metabolism.  If you would still like some, I would suggest 1/2 cup to 1 cup of  black coffee in the morning, 1 cup of black tea, or green tea (the healthiest form of caffeine).

2. Increase your leafy greens. 
 Spinach and kale are power houses when it comes to nutrition.  Just one cup of kale contains more iron, ounce for ounce compared to beef, it contains high amounts of antioxidants, and the fiber helps to aid in digestion.  It is also an excellent way to detox and help clean out your system. Since most people don't eat leafy greens raw on a daily basis, I recommend blending them up in a green smoothie.  It only takes 5 minutes to make, and if you blend it up with enough fruit, it tastes really great! 

3. Ditch the scale!
Okay, so this one is a bit radical here, but bear with me.  I am all about ditching our diets and focusing on our intuition when it comes to food (well, and life in general). You sound like you are already a fit woman and you are obviously concerned about your body and your health.  I think a lot of times, us women can be too caught up with our weight and what we look like.  If we don't feel we measure up compared to other people, we may give up and over eat.  Or we may go the other direction and increase the reign on our diet even more.  We may get to the point where we are starving ourself.  So, Connie, I don't know if this is even a problem for you, but this is something I always recommend to people who are wanting to get in shape.  Yes, I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it really does work!  (weighing yourself once a month is okay if you need to keep track of weight loss)

Other important tips are to reduce sugar intake, get enough sleep, and focus on reducing stress.  

But above all, just focus on your passions, which seem to be running and helping to make a difference in other's lives.  Just stay consistent with what you are doing and don't give up!  You can do this! :)  

Does anyone have anything else to share that you have tried?  Any tips for Connie? I would especially enjoy hearing from other runners out there, or any personal trainers!  I would love more action on here... please leave a comment below! :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Link to my Webinar!

Happy Saturday! Good news!  I was recently given permission to share the link to the webinar that I recently presented, for the Mom-E Club!  (a wonderful networking group that I am involved in- for more info, go to or click here. 

The topic of my Webinar is:

Balance The Energy In  Your Home:  Keep Up With  Your Kids Without Losing Your Mind!

This is for all the moms who are sick and tired of being sick and tired.  It is for those who struggle to maintain the home because of lack of energy.  It is for those who realize they depend too heavily on caffeine to get them through the day.  Perhaps they realize they are in bondage to certain foods that leave them drained or maybe they are dealing with constant stress.  This is also for those who have children who may seem to be hyperactive (and what child isn't?)  and for the moms who want to learn how to manage their children's energy in a natural way.  

This presentation is mainly geared towards moms in business because of the nature of the majority of the audience, but this is also geared toward ANY mom!  

Click on this link HERE to watch!!  

p.s.-  you may want to fast forward the first few minutes.  I was having trouble logging on as a co-host. 

Let me know what you think! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Quest To Be "Good Enough"

This will probably be a quick post but I wanted to share what was on my mind this morning.

This morning I was trying to get my kids ready for school. Now, at their school, they have uniforms but Friday is their "free day" meaning they can wear whatever they want.  I was somewhat amused to find that John chose to wear his uniform and Briana wore her uniform skirt (which I couldn't help but notice was wrinkled) .  Instead of acknowledging how good they looked, I immediately told John, "why don't you wear something different? You might be the only one wearing a polo shirt."  My husband jokingly said "But it's free day- he can wear what he wants!"  When I pointed out the wrinkled skirt to my daughter, she didn't care- that is what she wanted to wear.  Later on, I told Briana to pick out her hair pieces.  Now she happens to have a ton of barretts, headbands, pony tail holders, etc.  She also doesn't really like to wear the headbands because they hurt her head.  In fact, if it was up to her she wouldn't wear any barrette at all, but she is growing her bangs out so it does help get her bangs out of her face.  Instead of letting her choose like I had told her to do, I tried to convince her to wear a headband. "Honey, it's been awhile since you have worn a pretty headband."  Nope- nothing doing.

As I was taking them to school- it dawned on me.  How often do we tell people we accept and love them how they are-- but then in the same breath say, "But, could you just change this one little thing about yourself?"

This also holds true with weight loss.  How many times do we say to a family member-- I love you so much.  But maybe you should work on losing weight. Okay, I don't think I would ever talk exactly like that- but you get the idea.

Or maybe we DO talk like that-- how about what you say to yourself every day in the mirror?  We may tell ourselves we accept us for who we are.  In our heads, we know we are "good enough."  Yet, one quick glance in the mirror, and we start judging ourselves in our heads.  "If only my thighs were smaller." or "When will my stomach ever be as flat as it used to be?"

During the course of your day, really pay attention to the mixed messages you may be sending people-- either to your loved ones or to yourself.

And let me tell you-- you ARE  "good enough"  because we will never be perfect.  Yes, there may be some health goals we need to work on, but it is BECAUSE  we ARE good enough.  Good enough to take care of our selves.  Good enough to love ourselves enough to not  beat ourselves up the next time we over eat.  Good enough to feel like we deserve to be around for our kids.

Tell yourself- I am good enough. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's question and answer time!!

Sue from Phoenix, AZ asks:

"What are the top 5 EASY, satisfying, nutritious snacks?"

Snacks are so important because it keeps our blood sugar in check and helps to curb our hunger so that we aren't tempted to binge later on in the day.  They key is to reach for those snacks that will serve us and help increase our health.  

In my latest webinar on ways to increase your energy naturally, I talked about what I call, "Intuitive Grazing" .  It is so important to use our intuition when it comes to food.  Really tap into what your body is telling you.  Instead of mindlessly reaching for the M and M's, we need to come to the point where we naturally reach for those snacks that will satisfy us. Ideally, when we intuitively snack or "graze", we will consume snacks that will 1. satisfy our nutrition needs 2. satisfy our craving for a certain texture of food (such as crunchy foods or creamy foods) and 3. help to curb our hunger

So I am so glad you asked about snacks that are both satisfying and nutritious, as well as easy!  Snacks should be simple to prepare.  Otherwise, we will get overwhelmed and reach for that bag of chips or cookies instead.  This is not only important for us as women, but also for us as moms with young children.  

So, if I were to pick just 5 snacks, these would be my personal list of my favorite, easy, satisfying and nutritious snacks.
My Personal Favorite Snacks!

1. Home ade hummus with carrot sticks or cucumber slices
2. Raw almond butter spread on an apple
3. Trail mix (contains raw nuts, raisins, Goji berries and raw cacao chips) 
4. 1 or 2 squares of a 72% dark chocolate bar
5. A Green Smoothie (blended fruits and leafy greens) 

  • Hummus normally contains chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and some cumin. For my recipe, see below. The chickpeas (garbanzo beans) contain fiber and protein to help fill you up.
  • Almond butter contains almonds which contain healthy monounsaturated fat, which is great to increase your good (HDL) cholesterol.  Look for it raw as that way the important nutrients are not cooked out.  Almond butter is also good spread on a rice cake or a piece of whole grain bread.
  • Trail mix: goji berries contain lots of vitamin A, they contain some protein and are very high in antioxidants. You can find them dried at your local health food store.  Raw cacao is unprocessed cocoa beans. Dark chocolate contains a high amount of antioxidants, iron and magnesium which is good for heart health.  Look for chocolate that is 72% dark chocolate or higher. 
  • Green smoothies are great because it's a good way to get those leafy greens that most people don't eat enough of.  We may not care for the taste, or we may have trouble chewing it raw in a salad.  Therefore, blending it up is a good solution! Look at my website here: for some ideas!
Hummus Recipe

1 can garbanzo beans
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup Tahini
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 teaspoon cumin (more or less to taste)
1 teaspoon of sea salt

I highly recommend a good quality food processor, such as Cuisinart brand!  I just blend all these ingredients up in the food processor and it is so easy!  I usually just start off with blending the beans, and then add the other ingredients.  If it turns out too thick, I add a bit of olive oil, blended in.  


Please leave a comment if you have any thing to share or if you have any questions!!

For those reading, what are YOUR favorite healthy snacks?  I want to hear from  you! Don't hesitate to leave a comment below this post! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Time for my next question!

The "Best" Way To Stop Sweet Cravings

Lisa from CA writes:

"What is the best and healthiest thing to stop the sweet cravings?"


Great question!  We all deal with cravings. It's only natural.  Some crave salty foods, some crave sweet foods and some even crave more bitter tasting foods.

I think sweet cravings are the most common craving as we are all born with a sweet tooth.  We become accustomed to sweet things from the time we drink our mother's milk.  The truth is, there is nothing wrong with having cravings.  However, depending on how that craving effects your life, there may be some deeper areas we need to explore and discuss how we can handle those cravings when they arise.  Some people may crave sweet foods and be fine with just one cookie, or they may even crave sweet foods, yet be able to resist the craving and eat a piece of fruit instead.  Most people who deal with sweet cravings, find that they are addicted to sugar, and this is where the cravings may become a problem. The sugary foods may start to effect how they feel. They may be dealing with fatigue, headaches or weight gain.

The truth is, there really is no one answer to this, because what works for one person may not work for another.  I will say though, that if you are serious about eliminating sugar from your diet (aside from natural sugars in fruit), and are up for a challenge, I would encourage you to eliminate sugar for 2 whole weeks.  This does not include foods that naturally contain sugar such as milk and fruit- only added sugars, especially any food made with white, refined carbohydrates.  If you are seriously addicted, you may experience some withdrawl symptoms, but after awhile it gets pretty easy.  Most importantly, you will notice how much different you feel and that is the main reason for doing this.  In fact, one of my clients just got done with a two week no-sugar challenge and she did great! She really noticed a big difference and after awhile, she didn't really crave it.

So if you are willing to go this route, simply don't buy anything with added sugar. Out of sight, out of mind.

If you would rather explore the deeper reasons behind your sugar cravings, then instead of eliminating it, I would suggest starting a Food/Mood Journal.  My clients have done this with great success.  There is usually an emotional component behind sugar cravings, such as depression, anxiety or loneliness. So a journal helps you really get in touch with why you are craving certain foods and helps you become more aware  the next time you are dealing with that craving.  All you have to do is jot down the foods you eat during the day, make notice what you are craving, and then your mood at the time.  This should give you some good insight.  At that point, you can try to replace those cravings with something else such as taking a walk or calling a friend.

Some other practical tips to ward off a sugar binge would be:

1.  Drink water.   Your body could be mistaking hunger for thirst.
2. Crowd out your diet with whole foods such as green leafy veggies and whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa.
3. Use a tongue cleaner.  I am not kidding.  It's not just for bad breath! As it scrapes off the bacteria, it also removes any left over taste.  Some people crave foods because of what they ate recently, so they end up binging based on the foods they had remembered eating.  You can find tongue cleaners at major stores such as Walmart or Walgreens.

So, as you can see, there really is no "best" way....however, eliminating sugar completely can help train your palate to where you no longer crave it.  Also, realize that cravings are normal and just part of being human.  It's how you handle the cravings that really make the difference.

In Health,

Sign up for your FREE Fit And Fabulous Breakthrough Session today!  Email Kellie at

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Do you have a burning, health related question?  As announced on my Facebook page, I am taking YOUR questions!  I will be featuring at least one question and answer a week on my blog, so be on the look out!  Also, if you have a question for me, go to my Facebook page and post your question either on my wall or in a personal message.

If I get ten or more questions, I will have a random drawing for a $10 Gift Card to my favorite place... Whole Foods! (If you do not live near a Whole Foods, I will provide a similar gift)

So.... with that said.... here is your first question!

How To Naturally Replenish After A Hard Workout

 A fan from CA writes:

"What is the best way to replenish your body after an intense workout? I am so afraid of synthetic supplements and would prefer real food."

GREAT question!! 

Kellie's answer:

First of all, I applaud you for choosing real food over synthetic supplements.  Anything synthetic at best is not very effective, and at worst, can even be dangerous. That being said, there ARE supplements on the market that are all natural, but that is not my area of expertise. 

I am going to assume that you are working out intensely on a regular basis?  I am also going to guess that by "replenish" you are talking about replacing electrolytes? 

We all lose electrolytes when we sweat, and it does depend on the level of activity-- a walk in the park will not deplete electrolytes as quickly as a one hour run in the heat!  I think for most of us, we fall somewhere in between. 

Electrolytes are so important because they keep our body hydrated.  If we do not stay hydrated, we could get muscle cramps, nausea, or even pass out.  

The main electrolytes are: 
and magnesium

First, I urge you to NOT rely on popular sports drinks such as Gatorade.  They do contain electrolytes, but they also contain either sugar or sucralose, (artificial sweetener)  plus unnecessary food colorings.  

Obviously, old fashioned water is  always helpful, but sometimes,  one needs more than that, particularly if they are exercising very intensely.

If you are looking for a drink, coconut water is great- it contains minerals such as potassium and magnesium.  However, it can be a little pricey so would not be something to have every day.

The good news is that there are many FOODS that can supply you with these important minerals and help sustain your energy as well! 

The best way to replenish with sodium, is simply by adding a teaspoon of salt to a food.  Or, you could put some salt under your tongue, hold it there for a few seconds and then drink water.  

Bananas are great for potassium.  Other foods that contain a significant amount are spinach, kale and avocados.

This is a lesser known mineral, but it is found in lettuce, celery, olives and seaweed.

Leafy greens such as spinach and kale contain magnesium, and also raw nuts  and whole grains such as brown rice.

Citrus fruits are also a great source of electrolytes such as lemons, grapefruits and oranges

You could eat all of these foods separately, but after an intense workout, you probably don't want to take the time to do that!  So, enter the..... GREEN SMOOTHIE! 

This may not come as a surprise to you, as most people I know how much I love them!

I think it is a great way to replenish electrolytes.

A great smoothie for that purpose would be:

Replenishing Green Smoothie

2 cups spinach
2 cups blueberries
1 celery stick
1 banana
1 lemon
1 cup coconut water (or coconut milk) 
OR fill it all up with water

Green smoothies are great because not only do they rehydrate you....they also fill you up and give you much needed energy after a work out.  If you need added protein along with it, you could add a serving of raw nuts, or a hard boiled egg.

If you are just looking for a drink, I found this awesome recipe for a 

Make Your Own Electrolyte Drink!

The Lip Twister - tart and sweet

  • 1/4 cup of lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup of lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 whole squeezed orange (or one frozen can of orange juice)
  • 1 liter of water
Recipe found HERE: 

I hope this helps!  If you have any other questions regarding this, I welcome all comments! 

Remember to check out my Facebook page (

as well as my website:


Friday, August 3, 2012

A little game...."Can you guess what this is?"

Michael Pollan, author of the book "Food Rules" likes to say: Don't eat anything that your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.

That being said, what do you think she would say about THIS list of ingredients?

Can you guess what that is?

Da-da-da.... none other than the ingredients for the ever  popular..... Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich.

Now, I must say, with all of the Facebook posts lately, regarding this whole Chick-Fil-A issue, all it does is make me want to eat it! I  do love the taste of the chicken, after all. 

However, did you catch some of the ingredients in this thing? Monosodium glutamate is the technical word for MSG and is mentioned twice in this list.  MSG has been know to cause such reactions as hyperactivity in children, headaches, lightheadedness, chest pains, shortness of breath, and a ton of other symptoms. 

TBHQ is a chemical preservative, which is a form of Butane.  It's also been shown to have adverse effects, including hyperactivity in children, nausea, and asthma. 

Not to mention the soy flour in the bun, the wheat that so many people are allergic or sensitive to (or gluten, like me)  and the artificial colors (yellow 5 and blue 1) in the pickles (why the heck do pickles need blue 1?) 

Now, I'm not just throwing tomatoes at Chick-fil-a. (though a couple more on their sandwiches wouldn't hurt).  The only reason I bring this up is because it's been on my mind lately (not that I can really help it).  These ingredients shouldn't surprise you because they are in other fast "food" meals as well. 

I also want to make a disclaimer:  it's okay to have these t hings once in a blue moon. It doen't make you a bad person to eat fast food and it's not going to kill you if you have it two or three times a year. 

My question to you is:  why do you choose fast food in the first place?  do you choose it because you think it is cheaper? because you are overwhelmed and need help making a grocery list?  because you feel you don't have time to cook?  or because you are filling a void in your heart and comfort food is what you turn to? 

Let's face it: Fast food will go away the day kale becomes a household staple.  So in the meantime; ask yourself how often you need fast food, how you feel after you eat it, and how much you value your health. 

And if you are looking for a healthy chicken recipe, click HERE

ingredients from