Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Resolution to make NO Resolutions

Happy 2013!! We are more than a week in and already it's gone by so fast for me!  I think it's because I am having so much fun planning some GREAT, AMAZING things for you guys!!

On my Facebook page, I had asked if anyone makes New Year's Resolutions.  Or if anybody does NOT and why.  I think the lack of response was very telling! Only a couple of people responded and the consensus was that resolutions are not made because most of the time they are not accomplished.

I have been there too many times.  Even as a child I would sit down with my notebook paper and write a list of my Resolutions.  I don't even remember what they were back then.  I just remember feeling sad at the end of the year because most of them had not been met.

Something else that made it hard for me to meet my Resolutions were because I do remember that they were pretty vague (which is probably why I don't remember specifics).

Example:  Saying "This year I want to lose weight"  does NOT cut it. It doesn't tell me how MUCH weight I want to lose.   It doesn't tell me HOW. It doesn't tell me by what DATE.

See, the thing is, I don't believe that Resolutions are WRONG. I just think they have gotten a bad rap because people see it as a DUTY and people feel like a FAILURE for not meeting them.  Therefore, it is one more set of rules that make people feel worthless.  Does this resonate?

What if we changed the word to goals?  As a health coach, my programs are as unique as each individual's make up.  However, one thing is constant.  I make up to three recommendations every two weeks of a set of GOALS  for my clients to work on.  The catch?  It's OKAY if those goals are not met!   I don't make people feel like a failure.  A goal is just that....a goal.  Not something that we say for sure is going to happen.

Now of course, we can't just sit and twiddle our thumbs and hope that our goals come true.  It does take  ACTION and SUPPORT.

Break your goals down into simple action steps. Make your goals per week instead of per YEAR.   For example, "My goal this week is to do Zumba two times."  Simple as that!  Once you've accomplished your goal, treat yourself to something healthy or non food related.

I will say that most people do need some kind of support and accountability.  It's not any fun to  make goals and not have anyone cheering you on!!  Husbands may say they support us but they never really "get us."   Friends may say they will be there for us but may get busy and immersed with their own "stuff."

This month, I want to challenge you to find one person who can support you and keep you accountable. If you feel like you need extra support,  I would love it if you could schedule a time to meet with me!  You can get to know me and I can learn more about you and what your struggles and obstacles are and we can explore how I can support you to over come them and meet your goals!
~January Special~During the month of January (by the 31st.) I am offering a initial Breakthrough Session (initial consultation) for only $15! This will be applied to any of my programs if you sign up.  (initial sessions are valued at $37)  Questions?  Email me! or go to my website at

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My WORD for 2013!!

Go to any children's party and you will know how important having a theme is.  From a Star Wars party, to an Angry Birds party, to Hello Kitty (all themes my children have had), having a theme tells about the child's interests.  It also makes everything cohesive. Usually when you have a theme, everything matches.  You won't be having Hello Kitty plates and napkins with Star Wars cups and balloons. 

Women's Retreats have themes, School Dances have themes, and Class parties have themes.

What is it about a theme that we love?  I think it's because we can easily identify with it.  We immediately know what something is about and it helps us decide if it is something we would enjoy.

What about your life?  Does your LIFE have a theme?  More specifically... what about THIS YEAR- 2013? 

To put it more plainly.... what is your WORD for 2013?  I first heard this question from my friend and colleague, Christy Foster of Soul Carrot Health Coaching.  I thought it was an intriguing idea. 

If we look back at 2012, what is one word that described your year?  Try to stay positive.  Was it growth? Change?  Courage?  If you can't think of anything positive, then what can you do to change that for 2013?

Looking back at 2012, my main words were Growth and Change.  Change because we moved from CA to AZ in February, and my husband needed to find a different job.  I also experienced a lot of growth in myself. I opened myself up more to people, I decided to accept myself and not worry about what others think of me, and I tried new things- such as public speaking and Zumba. Last year was also a lot about forgiveness and letting go.

Words are very powerful and I believe that what you focus on in life, expands.  Yes, there were words from last year that are not very positive, such as anxiety (lots of it!).

However,  I want my theme (or WORD) to be something that describes something good... something that makes me feel happy and even something that takes me out of my comfort zone.  

So I have decided that for 2013 my WORD is.... "FEARLESS".
I have thought about this word and I realize to some this word means "No Fear".  I know we will always have fear... it's a normal human emotion.  I thought about changing my word to "Courage". However, you word should also be something that really sparks some kind of emotion deep in  your core, and "courage" just didn't do it for me. 

So Fearless it is.  To me, it means "Feel the fear and do it anyway".  It means getting even more out of my comfort zone  then I was in 2012.   For me  personally, the word fearless immediately triggers the word "Freedom".  If I am fearless in life, then I will have a chance to live out my dreams and goals and experience the freedom that I am striving for. 

So far this year I am trying out a Belly Dance class (something I never thought I would do because I am so self conscious about my stomach),  I am speaking to a group of girls at my old college (Arizona Christian University) and sharing my story of recovering from an eating disorder, and I am starting a program called "Healthy Happy Hour" where I travel to different fitness studios around the Phoenix area, speak on a wellness topic and then having an instructor lead a free workout.... most of these exercises, such as Tai Chi and Women's Self Defense, I have never tried before.  These are some examples of how I will be feeling my fear and doing it anyway.

The next thing to do after you pick your word, is to WRITE IT DOWN... either on a Vision Board... or you can write it on a rock and keep it in your bedroom! (thanks to Elizabeth Hartigan of The Gratitude Girl for the idea).

What about YOU? What would you like your word to be for 2013?  Please share in the comments!

Happy New Year!!

Kellie McGarry
 Certified Health Coach