Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Career: Recipe for Burnout?

We have been talking about Primary Foods- career, physical activity, relationships and spirituality... those areas that feed us that are not food. 

Today's Primary Food Topic is on "career". 

How do you feel about your career?  Is it just a J.O.B that you dread going to?  Do you feel stuck... bored...stressed?

You are not alone. Check out some of these statistics:

  • The American worker has the least vacation time of any modern, developed society.

  • One-half of workers reported they feel a great deal of stress on the job.

  • Thirty-seven percent of all working dads said they would consider the option of taking a new job with less pay if it offered a better work/life balance.

  • Nineteen percent of working moms reported they often or always work weekends. *
As a mom, combine this with having to balance a family and a social life and it could be a recipe for burn out!

As a result of the stress, many women may resort to food to cope with the stress.  Over eating out of stress, boredom or burn out is very common.  The result is a busy mom who is stressed, over weight, lacking energy and has lost her passion and purpose for life. 

My story is a bit different.... I graduated with an Elementary Education degree, but I had an intuition early on that I would be too burnt out from teaching.  I did not want it to become my life.  So instead I worked odd jobs here and there before I had my first child.  Since then, I had the privilege of staying home with my kids and now LOVE  my job of supporting women towards having a peaceful relationship with food and with the bodies.  It brings me so much joy and I really feel like I am using my passion.  I did not want to go back to a 9-5 job.  

I know many of you need to work outside of the home.  The important thing is to either find a way to love the job you have, or to get out of your comfort zone and finally step into the job you have been dreaming about.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. What is my passion? (what really lights me up and gets me going in the morning?)
2. Is my job creating so much stress that it negatively effects how I function as a wife and mother? Is it negatively effecting my health?
3. What is one positive thing that I can appreciate about my job?  If there is one, then focus on that.  If there is none at all, either find a way to change it, or think of a job that you can work towards envisioning in your life.  

For example, I know of many health coaches who were used to the corporate world but really wanted to focus on health coaching.  It can be hard to step out of your comfort zone, and especially when there would be a drop in income at first.  So what is the compromise?  Maybe work a part time job while working on your dream business on the side?  Maybe find a way to attend some kind of online training to help you toward fulfilling your passion? 

Maybe you really would like to stay in your current job and  you know you are where you are meant to be.  However, you do have other passions and talents as well.  Find a way to make that happen!  Perhaps it is quilting, or maybe photography.  Even if you don't plan on using it as a career, it is important to find something that really lights you up!!  This, in  turn, can help you toward improving your health and wellness and you naturally find your confidence and the willingness to take care of your body to the best of  your ability.  

So, in the comments below, don't be shy... I would love to find out..w hat is YOUR passion?  share below!


1 comment:

Gail White said...

What a nice interview with Grandmom! She and PaPa truly are an inspiration when it comes to their vegetable garden. I enjoyed this blog!