Friday, October 12, 2012

Gabbing With "Grandmom" on Gardening

Interview with Grandmom

I wanted to give you a bit of a snap shot into the life of someone very special to me.... my Grandmother! She and my Grandfather (whom I call Grandmom and Pa Pa) have lived in Georgia their  whole life.  More amazing is that they have lived in the same house for 53 years!  You know what else?  They have been growing a garden in their backyard for 50 years! 

Coming from someone who has killed one too many house plants (that would be me), I am VERY  impressed with the fact that my Grandparents (my Dad's parents), who are both in their 80's, have kept up a garden for 50 years. Wow! 

I have many fond memories of helping them in the garden when we have visited them in the past (which I wish could be more often!) Even my kids when they were only 13 months and 2 years old helped shell the beans! To top it off, I always just felt healthier after visiting them. :)

Here is a picture of their beautiful garden. You can't see the whole thing from this angle.

Here is a picture of my Dad, my Grandmom and my Pa Pa

In my October newsletter, I talked about the importance of eating fresh, local, produce and to eat according to the seasons.  Having your own garden is one way to go about that!

Read on for my interview and find out why she has kept it up for so long and what she enjoys about it!

Kellie: What kinds of produce do you grow? (disclaimer: I should have asked what she does NOT  grow!)

Grandmom:  Tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, lima beans, white half- runner beans (when I asked what that is she told me it's green beans), cucumbers, squash, okra,  and peas.

She then went on to talk about how sometimes they will grow cherry tomatoes.  They don’t purposefully plant them, but the seeds found in the mulch will grow them and sometimes even cantaloupe. 

Right now, we have fall produce. About a month ago, Pa Pa planted mustard green seeds and turnip green seeds. (I love that they love their greens. :)  On my table, I have two red, two yellow and two green peppers. 

Kellie: How do you like to prepare your peppers?

Grandmom: I use them in a spaghetti  meat sauce, or I can make a good breakfast quiche. I like to eat them plain.

Kellie: What made you get into gardening?

Pa Pa started it.  We had the space in our yard for a garden.  Pa Pa moved to a farm for a few years growing up, and I grew up on a farm and it had a garden (so we were used to it). I didn’t like to work in the fields, but after I grew up and had kids, I found that I really enjoy it.  

Kellie: What are some positive results you have received from gardening?

Grandmom: We always have vegetables, so we never run out.  We don’t have to buy a lot at the grocery store.  I like how we have plenty to give to neighbors so it is our way of giving to others.  I also like how we always have plenty to store in the freezer.  

Kellie: In what way has gardening helped your health?

Being able to pick them fresh makes them healthier.  It helps us reduce our meat intake, and reducing meat is supposed to be healthier.  

(I can attest to that--  whenever we visit, they eat a plant-based diet which means their plate is always filled with vegetables and they eat very little meat. I think that is what keeps my Grandparents so healthy and active. My Grandfather did have heart surgery about ten years ago but he's been doing very well since then!) 

Kellie: What is it that you enjoy the most about gardening?

Grandmom: There are several things that I enjoy.  If I had to pick one, it would be that it’s a thrill to see the sprouts first grow up from the ground. I know that only God can make that happen.  It’s also a thrill for me to gather the produce. 

Kellie: What is one piece of advice you would give to those just starting out with their own garden?

Grandmom: Be patient. Learn by trial and error.  Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t turn out how you expect and learn from your mistakes.

I would say that is great advice! Thanks, Grandmom, for sharing with us your passion for gardening.  I hope this is an inspiration to some of you! 

The next blog post will be on the subject of Spirituality and it's role in good health! Stay tuned!

Certified Health Coach

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