I hope you were sitting down. After all, I might as well be related to the "Green Smoothie Girl" (Robyn Openshaw)
I am constantly touting the benefits of green leafy veggies, such as spinach and kale. I make the conclusion that it is easiest and makes the most sense to just blend it all up because that way you get the highest concentration of nutrients (well, juicing is the highest).
The truth is, I have not been craving one. I still crave healthy foods. Just not cold smoothies. I"m already cold- yes, even here in Phoenix I can't even feel my toes! I *could* make my smoothies not so cold. I could just not use frozen fruit and I could add warming spices such as ginger.
So what is going on? I am listening to my body's intuition. I really think that I do best when I eat according to the seasons. Raw, green leafy veggies indicate a time of renewal and cleansing-- they are most beneficial in the spring and summer. That is not the same as saying that these vegetables are only healthy at certain times of the year. Any fruit and vegetable can increase health and wellness no matter what time of year.
However, winter is more the time for storing up fat. PAUSE. When you read the word "fat" did you immediatly have a small panic attack? I can relate. I used to be scared of the word fat. Even though it's three letters, I used to think of it as a 4-letter word.
When you think of it, we really are like animals at times. Look at the squirrels. They store up fatty nuts to eat during the winter. Fat protects our bones and keeps us warm. It is the build up towards the spring where we need to consume more of a detoxing diet. I remember when I had anorexia, how FREEZING cold I was all the time. There is truth to the saying "put some meat on your bones." (of course, you can also naturally get cold easily!) But it is very important and natural to consume fatty foods.
Winter is the time where we crave foods that naturally build up our heat. Raw vegetables are cooling to the body. Fatty foods are warming. Now, I"m not talking about ice cream or candy bars, obviously.
Go ahead and sautee your spinach in butter, olive oil or coconut oil. Eat foods with monounsaturated fat, which is a good fat.
Examples of foods with this type of fat would be: almonds, avocados and olive oil. The benefit of this type of fat? It helps to lower bad cholesterol.
Fats to avoid? Too much saturated fat, such as in red meat (although a little bit of saturated fat won't harm you) and Trans Fat (partially hydrogenated vegetable oil- read the label for that one- it's mostly in packaged foods).
Some people can still handle green smoothies every day in the winter (such as my husband). The important thing is that every body is different. Trust your intuition.
*note* I hope you all are enjoying your December! After the shooting in Newton, it made me think more about life and how I take things for granted. This season is a time for family. Please take a deep breath, focus on what you are grateful for, let go of the need to be too busy, and hug your family extra tight!
I know I have had a hard time even concentrating too much on food this week. Sure, I still eat healthy, but I am reminded on how eating healthy isn't going to make a person happy. Being grateful, having joy no matter what the circumstances, and truly letting go and focusing on your Creator, is what really brings peace.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!